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La Guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu (Jean Giraudoux), 2009


The play was first produced in 1935; it opens with the words of its title, which prefigure Chamberlain’s famous declaration: ‘No war in Europe!’ Set the day before the beginning of the Trojan War inside the gates of Troy, it follows the doomed struggle of Hector (supported by the women of Troy) to avoid war with the Greeks. Hector's brother Paris has abducted the beautiful Greek queen Helen. Tensions rise as the Trojan men eagerly prepare to exhibit their deadly prowess, while the women of Troy strain to close the Gates of War permanently. Neither the Trojan leader, Hector, nor the Greek chief, Ulysse, wants war. They are lucid, reasonable, determined. Helen, it seems, has no great objection to going back to Greece, and the Greeks might be persuaded to forget the whole thing. Giraudoux, born in the frontier territory of Alsace and a former diplomat, draws on his experience of how individuals andnations behave when their ‘honour’ is at stake; and asks why, as so often, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, we end up with the worst possible outcome. For such a darkly familiar topic, his play is full of brilliance and wit, a dazzling and damning ‘comédie humaine’.


Cast - 

The Trojans

Priam, king of Troy - Ralph Yarrow
Hécube, queen of Troy - Karen Sturges
Hector, son of Priam and Hécube –Erwann Limon
Andromaque, Hector’s wife - Claudine Tourniaire
Pâris, Hector’s younger brother -Tony Conway
Cassandre, Priam and Hécube’s daughter, and a prophetess - Dani Limon
Demokos, national poet - Tom Finch
Abneos, a senator – Emma Harwood
Le Gabier, ‘lookout’ on Pâris’ ship – Zoe Robinson
Olpides, another ‘lookout’ on Pâris’ ship – Megan-Elise Gibbs
Vieillards (Old men of Troy)  – Tim Tracey, Maria Kivinen
Messagers – Maria Kivinen, Katherine Shepheard-Walwyn

The Greeks

Hélène, wife of Ménélas - Emily Paul
Ulysse, Greek ambassador -Roger Baines
Oiax, captain of the Greek fleet - Ben Engel

  • The Messenger of the Gods Iris - Emily Middleton
  • The International Lawyer Busiris - Alexandra Coyne


Director – Ralph Yarrow

Lighting and sound design: Tom Francis, Erwann Limon, Ralph Yarrow

Operation: Tom Francis, Christian Ischzak

Poster – Tony Conway

Set – Ralph Yarrow, Tim Tracey, Emily Middleton, Emily Paul, Neera Shah, Harriet Hart

Costume and make-up - The Company

Backstage, and film– Neera Shah

Photography - Christopher Butchart and Richard Hoskins

Thanks to Tom Francis, Christian Ischack, Jon Hyde, Rob Little, Kate Jones, Ali Mackenzie, Tim Tracey,
 Jem and Ade Bailey, James Sawrey-Cookson, Kerrie Walker, George Chandler, Helen Smith,
Kat Buckle, Ella Brown, Rosie Wheat, Dominique Limon, Ruby Baines, Nola Merckel,
The Sewell Barn Theatre, The Maddermarket Theatre



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PlaysJason Baldry